Sunday, January 7, 2018

Cleveland Mass Mob XXVI — Saint Augustine

Cleveland Mass Mob XXVI  
 Saint Augustine
10 a.m. Sunday 15 April 2018
2486 West 14th Street
Cleveland Mass Mob has been asked to return for another season. We will first revisit Saint Augustine's. Saint Augustine's is well known for its Christian ministries to the poor.  The ten o'clock Mass will have American Sign Language. It must be remembered that each celebration of Mass is not an indistinguishable, interchangeable clone of every other Mass. Each parish has its own personality and chrism. If you have not participated at a Mass for the Deaf, you cannot appreciate its beauty, and sincerity.

The local press has for many years visited St. Augustine's dining room to show the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Saint Augustine feeds the hungry every day, and does many other acts of charity (remember 'charity' is another word for love of others). People need to eat more than twice a year, and St. Augustine always needs help. If you can aid, it will be welcomed.